The End Is Near - The Lord's Prayer, Millennial Version


I’m officially coming out! I am nailing my colours to the mast. It is my belief that the end is indeed near and this article is the commencement of a series on this matter. But before we get into the headiness of this whole subject I want to first of all publish my ‘Millennial Version’ of what is commonly called ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ (this actually might be more appropriately called ‘The Disciples’ Prayer’). My hope is that what I have written below will lead us into the ‘sense and feeling’ of the heart of this matter.

After hearing someone quote those famous words in a recent meeting I found myself waking up one morning a few days later and blending those words with my own current focus on The Lord’s return – and my utter excitement in anticipation of His presence and rule on earth. So, here is my own Millennial version of The Lord’s Prayer…

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom has come, thy will is being done, here on earth as it is in heaven.
Everyone receives their daily bread.
You are reigning with your forgiven ones, those ones who forgave the sins of others.
We are no longer sorely tested because you have bound the evil one.
For the kingdoms of this world have now become the kingdoms of Your Christ.
And you are here, among us, reigning in power and glory.
And shall continue to do so forever and ever – AMEN!

I have so much more to say right now, my head and heart is overflowing but more will follow shortly.

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